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Water Dangers

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Water Dangers Empty Water Dangers

Post by Koocy Mon Nov 24, 2008 4:12 pm

OK so in this water rpg you are a water animal living in the sea. But when all of a sudden boats start appearing and taking us water animals. Now they must join together to make a comback and survive! But will your water animal help or lack help? Now they must survive and stay under cover at the same time!

Be as many animals you wish here are your chooses = dolphins,sea turtles,fish,sharks ( can't eat or kill others) (if they are another persons),seals,seal lions,eels,whales,squids,octopuses,shrimp,jellyfish! Any other ideas let me know and put it on your form!


Other Family-
Special Markings-
Other info.-

Last edited by Koocy on Sun Nov 30, 2008 7:14 pm; edited 5 times in total

Number of posts : 111
Age : 28
Job/hobbies : horses and animals
Registration date : 2008-10-29

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Water Dangers Empty Re: Water Dangers

Post by Tomboy Fri Nov 28, 2008 3:33 pm

Name- Jaws
Animal- Great White Shark
Gender- Female
Other info.- Vicious and scary, other creatures stay away from her. Usually found lurking in murky water, she hunts and is very solitary.

Water Dangers 19sharkDM_468x591

Number of posts : 81
Age : 32
Location : Guess
Job/hobbies : Reading, writing, roleplaying
Registration date : 2008-11-26

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Water Dangers Empty Re: Water Dangers

Post by Koocy Sun Nov 30, 2008 2:41 pm

Name- Keco
Animal- Bottlenose Dolphin
Gender- female
Dream- to have other dolphins to choose to be with
Mom- Rose
Dad- Fern
Other Family- none only child
Special Markings- 1 white heart on her head and tooaly white tail and flippers
Other info.-
is a female captive of 2 other dolphins but doesn't like either of them wishes to be free and choose who she will be with

Name- Dragon
Animal- Bottlenose Dolphin / gibraltars
Gender- Male
Dream- to keep captive from leaving
Mom- Porticia
Dad- Lord
Other Family- one brother( Yolk)
Special Markings- NONE
Other info.- is very protective of their female captive

Name- Yolk
Animal- Bottlenose Dolphin / gibraltars
Gender- Male
Dream- to also keep captive from leaving
Mom- Porticia
Dad- Lord
Other Family- brother (Dragon)
Special Markings- none
Other info.-doesn't like captive trying to sneak off

Name- Porticia
Animal- Bottlenose Dolphin
Gender- female
Dream- to help sons
Mom- ?
Other Family- husband,2 sons
Special Markings- one black circle on stomach
Other info.-none

Animal- gibraltars
Gender- male
Dream- to help sons also
Mom- ?
Other Family- one wife and 2 sons
Special Markings- black stripe across face
Other info.- wishes Keco would stay with his sons and stop beiong foolish by trying to swim off

Animal-Bottlenose Dolphin
Dream-to help daughter escape and help her become happy
Mom- ?
Other Family- one husband and 1 daughter
Special Markings- none
Other info.-wishes Dragon,Yolk,Porticia,and Lord would let her daughter go free willing to help anway possible

Animal-Bottlenose Dolphin
Dream-to help daughter escape and help her become happy
Mom- ?
Other Family- one wife 1 daughter
Special Markings- thick line across back
Other info.-wishes Dragon,Yolk,Porticia,and Lord would let her daughter go free willing to help anway possible will fight them if nessaccary

Number of posts : 111
Age : 28
Job/hobbies : horses and animals
Registration date : 2008-10-29

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Water Dangers Empty Re: Water Dangers

Post by Tiffany Sun Nov 30, 2008 3:12 pm

Name- Swap
Dream-to live amongst other animals
Mom- ?
Other Family-?
Special Markings-purple dot on top of her body
Other info.-doesn't find a need to sting unless needed and insecure


Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2008-11-30

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Water Dangers Empty Re: Water Dangers

Post by Koocy Sun Nov 30, 2008 3:47 pm

Dragon and Yolk pushed Keco tighter between themselves as they came upon her parents. Lord and Porticia swam behind their sons proud of their accomplishment. Keco slapped each of them with her tail and darted forward. Dragon swam faster and cut her off from going anymore. He pushed her back toward Yolk,Porticia,and Lord. Dragon swam back not wanting her to leave and have a free chose. Keco glared at him and was pushed by his parents. Rose burried her head in the sand not wanting to watch. Fern swam over and was pushed away from Yolk. Ferm snarled not making a noise and jumped above the surface. Keco watched him leave her. Keco stopped and waited not going to go any farther.

Number of posts : 111
Age : 28
Job/hobbies : horses and animals
Registration date : 2008-10-29

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Water Dangers Empty Re: Water Dangers

Post by Tomboy Sun Nov 30, 2008 4:53 pm

Jaws swam through her murky home land. She saw a school of fish but wasn't hungry. They were much to small anyway. She glided through the water, the fish scattering quickly as she neared.

Number of posts : 81
Age : 32
Location : Guess
Job/hobbies : Reading, writing, roleplaying
Registration date : 2008-11-26

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Water Dangers Empty Re: Water Dangers

Post by Koocy Sun Nov 30, 2008 5:18 pm

Keco looked at the beautiful reefs and corals and fishes. Keco looked away full of saddness wishing she could play with them. Dragon looked and saw she wasn't moving. He and Yolk went over mad and mad with her. Lord looked at them and pushed Keco forward. Keco turned around sharply. Dragon cut in front of her and pushed her forward more. Porticia shook her head at the dolphin captive. She swam around and caught some fish to eat. Porticia came back to them. Then Dragon,Yolk,and Lord went off to get their food. Keco watched them leave very hungry without any food. Keco saw some seafood come by. Keco reached out to get it only to have Porticia take it away and eat it. Rose got up and swam off mad at herself for letting this happen to her daughter. Fern came back and charged Lord. In a sudden both were pushing and annoying eachother. Then Fern swam off. Dragon came back and laughed at Keco's saddness hopping she would just pick him over Yolk.

Number of posts : 111
Age : 28
Job/hobbies : horses and animals
Registration date : 2008-10-29

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Water Dangers Empty Re: Water Dangers

Post by Tomboy Sun Nov 30, 2008 5:21 pm

Jaws saw a boat above her. She ignored the strange large thing and swam through the murky water. Soon her fin surfaced, and she heard humans yelling. She was used to getting this reaction every time she came near the surface. She swam around the boat, inspecting it, then swam below it to the side. She soon lost interest and went back down to her perfect level, when the water wasn't black but quite murky.

Number of posts : 81
Age : 32
Location : Guess
Job/hobbies : Reading, writing, roleplaying
Registration date : 2008-11-26

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Water Dangers Empty Re: Water Dangers

Post by Koocy Sun Nov 30, 2008 7:00 pm

Keco looked up at the top of the water as it darkened for night. Keco shivered felling a big cold current through the water. Dragon awear of the current blocked off Keco so she couldn't get away. Yolk laughed at his "big" brother Dragon. Keco swam toward the surface. She looked above the water and gasped. Dragon saw a shadow coming and yanked Keco back under the water. Keco slapped him with her flippers so mad at him,Yolk,their parents, and her parents. Porticia and Lord swam off toward a dark secret cave where they slept. Yolk and Dragon pushed Keco to the next to it. Keco screeched as it got darker and darker.

Number of posts : 111
Age : 28
Job/hobbies : horses and animals
Registration date : 2008-10-29

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Water Dangers Empty Re: Water Dangers

Post by Tomboy Sun Nov 30, 2008 7:09 pm

Jaws swam through the dark water. She got in a current and let it carry her away swiftly. She began to get hungry and soon saw a sea lion swimming near the surface. Jaws sped up, letting the current speed her up even more. She opened her mouth, grabbing the sea lion and thrashing around, then swallowing it. She swam around near the surface, seeing the moon.

Number of posts : 81
Age : 32
Location : Guess
Job/hobbies : Reading, writing, roleplaying
Registration date : 2008-11-26

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Water Dangers Empty Re: Water Dangers

Post by Koocy Sun Nov 30, 2008 7:25 pm

Keco looked around into the dark night. Yolk fell asleep at the back exist knowing Dragon was at the front. Keco swam around hoping someone would help her escape. Dragon heard noise and woke up.

Number of posts : 111
Age : 28
Job/hobbies : horses and animals
Registration date : 2008-10-29

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Water Dangers Empty Re: Water Dangers

Post by WildHorses72 Tue Dec 02, 2008 6:02 pm

Animal-Humpback Whale
Other info.-Most creatures stay away from her due to her massive size.She lurks in deep and clear waters with her pod.


Number of posts : 91
Registration date : 2008-10-25

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Water Dangers Empty Re: Water Dangers

Post by Koocy Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:14 pm

Keco swam over Dragon ever so slowly after he fell asleep. After she got past him she swam as fast as she could. She whizzed right past her parents still angry at them. She saw Lord get up and saw Porticia get up too. Soon she saw Lord right behind looking angryier than ever. She squeaked and kept swimmming faster and faster. Dragon got up and went over and knocked Yolk with his flippers. Porticia entered and broke the fight up. She told them that Keco escaped and that daddy was getting her.

Number of posts : 111
Age : 28
Job/hobbies : horses and animals
Registration date : 2008-10-29

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